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Watch Parties

Watch parties are a great way to bridge the gap between virtual conference attendance and in-person fellowship.

Watch Parties allow virtual attendees to experience the fellowship of brother Catholics and the blessing of conference events in a smaller setting. Watch Parties are organized by volunteer hosts. They can be held in private homes, churches, and even event spaces. The choice is yours! This flexibility helps defray travel costs, expand conference access, allow for smaller groups, and help address any health or safety concerns.


More Watch Parties are added regularly, as more hosts step forward.

To join a Watch Party: 


  1. Register as an Online attendee (chose "Watch it online" | Registration opens on 11/1/24), and then choose your Watch Party from the next drop down list. Watch Parties are added as hosts reach out to volunteer. Check back regularly for more options.

  2. Connect with your host, so you stay in the loop about any needs or changes about your event.

  3. Volunteer to bring food; help set up or clean up; test technology; or promote! Ask your host what he needs. These parties depend on the generous efforts of volunteer hosts; help make it a rewarding experience for them!

  4. Pray for the conference, for your host, and for the other guests joining you.

  5. Check in with your host shortly before the conference to make sure things are on track.

  6. Enjoy!


Currently there are Watch Parties happening in the following locations:


  • Boise - Our Lady of the Rosary
  • Challis - Miller Home
  • Grangeville - Sts. Peter and Paul- CLOSED
  • Idaho Falls - Holy Rosary Hall
  • Lewiston - All Saints
  • Pocatello- Holy Spirit Knights Hall- CLOSED
  • Salmon- St. Charles Church Hall- CLOSED
  • Rupert- St Nicholas Church- CLOSED
  • Moscow- St. Augustine's.

None of these locations working for you?

Check back frequently as we will add more as soon as hosts volunteer.

Or, consider hosting a Watch Party yourself!

Why do Watch Party guests need to register?


To keep registration fees affordable for all, we ask all participants to register. Costs associated with bringing in speakers and online platforms which require additional trained professionals are just a part of the online experience that is being offered. These special events take several months of planning/organizing from several people. When Watch Party attendees register, it gives us key information to make informed decisions for future conferences; it also keeps the conference going and affordable for everyone. 


Watch Party hosts also receive kits of conference materials and attendee gifts for which we need an accurate count. Registered online attendees, both from-home and at Watch Parties, are entered into a raffle drawing!

Interested in hosting but not sure where to start?


  1. Choose a space. Talk to your parish about using a dining room or fellowship hall; open your home; rent a theatre. 

  2. Email Angela Atha to have your event added to the registration options.

  3. Plan for hospitality. Will you provide refreshments, cater, or go potluck style?  

  4. Invite guests. Ensure each guest registers; there is still a cost to the conference. Ask your guests to choose "Watch it Online" in the "Registration Fee" dropdown, then select your Watch Party from the list. The fee for online attendees is $29.  Angela can provide you with promotional materials and graphics to help promote your event.

  5. Recruit Help. Many guests are happy to help prepare a space, bring snacks, or clean up. Don't be shy asking for help!

  6. Prepare.  Test your media setup in advance! Make sure your guests know details of timing, location, and food.

  7. Pray for your event and your guests by name.

  8. Check in with your guests in the days before hand to confirm their plans.

  9. Enjoy!

Green Board

Registration is Now Open!

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